Friday 12 June 2009

Little bit of this...

Here are a few images from the last few months that I forgot about, just trying to get myself up to date! So here goes...

Sam on our trip to Glencoe earlier this year, taken with my former LX3 on 'pinhole mode' .

Then, a trip to St Andrews with Harrison and Jonathan. Hilarity ensues.

Still evening.

Then up a big tower...

Jonathan spotted something under the deck...

Harrison sees it too....

more stuff...
a sword?
Down by the harbour.

Later that evening, balloons were bought.

Leaving day. This was back in February. We had already moved into our nice new flat, and just gone back to tidy up the last few bits. It was quite sad, the flat looked so huge and empty.

I will miss that place a lot,

Polaroid of Harrison from a couple of nights ago.

Was in the pound shop with Grant on Friday....

....we couldn't resist!

Merry Christmas. x

Wednesday 10 June 2009

Sigh of relief.


All done. Well. with college anyway. So nice to finally finish up the 4 years. Very happy with what I'm leaving with, though of course I feel like I still could have done more. Definitely going to miss the facilities, all the studio space and shiny equipment. However I need never do another fudging workbook, so cheers to that!

Our end of year exhibition took place last week in SWG3. It was a really fun and satisfying way to round off the year. There was some really interesting work displayed, and lots of lovely people to enjoy it with, so all was good.

I displayed the images I took for jeweller Hannah Livingston. I wanted to create a set that felt like it was part of the images, as if you were standing in a hallway in that big beautiful house.

Hannah's degree show also took place this month in the Vision building in Dundee. It was all very fancy, and incredibly warm.

It was really fun to see all our hard work coming to a grand finale. Hanna's pieces looked magnificent.

So glad I no longer have to spend my evenings feeling guilty about not doing college work. I have so much to catch up with! Scanning, deving, general editing, can't wait to catch back up with myself. Anyways, for starters I scanned in a few Polaroids I found on my shelf. Chronology is probably going to get a bit hazy for the next few posts, but don't panic, it'll all work out in the end.

Sam with his usual Steak and Cherry beverage, strawberry milkshake with extra shake.
Linda in my old flat. I miss the curtains.

This was taken on our way to Lake District for New Year while Harrison was in the garage paying for the petrol.

This was taken approximately 4minutes later on the other side of the petrol station. Honestly.

We were greeted the following morning by this little buddy. It gave me a chance to finish the Simpsons episode I was watching before we came out the BnB while Harrison was off being manly.

Lots of birds.In the playpark.
Dog next to a No Dogs sign, oh yes, I went there. And so did he.

I've just started my new job with a photography studio, was pretty lucky to land full time work right out of college. It's nothing ground breaking, but at least I'm getting paid to take photographs. I'm mostly working in post production at the moment, which is really helping advance my editing skills, especially regarding speed and efficiency. I've also discovered the wonders of the graphics tablet! How did I get this far without one?! I'm just really conscious of the fact that I'll need to not loose focus and keep working on what I want to do, and not let myself get lazy with my free time.

On that note I'm off to sit about and do something unproductive.

J xo