Tuesday 5 January 2010

Behind bars

Just a few photographs from the last several months. I feel like they've been a bit bleh because it's been so dark and icy and gloomy. Really looking forward to the summer months ahead though. Fun plans on the horizon!

Back to the past in the present. I think these start back from November last year (!), just to set the scene...

Harrison at his window in Rutherglen.

Washing line.

A snippet of the endless silliness witnessed over at mine.
Window seat. He's smiling because it has a really comfy pillow.

Sophie McCurry

Linda and I went over to visit Jonathan at Costa, and we definitely paid for everything we consumed.

We decided it would be more fun to view November 5th's fireworks in 3D.

Later that week Linda and I decided to try out making cupcakes.

They looked delicious!

They weren't.

Apparently there is such a thing as too much food colouring.

More silliness.


More cats, this time at East Kilbride Sport Centre where the West of Scotland Cat, um, Society (?) show was being held. There we met...

Startled kitty,

Naked kitty,

Angry kitty, he wasn't happy with his "Cheers for coming along" rosette.

Sad kitty,

Pampered kitty,

and normal kitty

It was an odd day.

Went up to my mum's for Christmas.

My little jailbird on the drive up the A9.

No joke, this is what Santa got me. It turned out to be a mannequin. Thank goodness.

Sophie had fun exploring her holiday home.

Tiring work.

There was a grand amount of snow this year, the worst since '85 I heard said.

This was after it had mostly melted, and my car was finally freed from the driveway's icy grasp.

During a surprise trip to Blackpool, Linda showed us round one of the recently empty flats in her building.

Love it.

Harrison at the bottom of the stairs.

Back at home..

and Snoop.

